Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014
Past Life Regression
What is the value in past life regression? What can you expect to happen? Why would you do it? Darshanie Sukhu teaches a workshop on past life regression at Yoga Vidya, and she tells us that the value of doing it is to find out more about yourself. You can also learn about relationships, situations, life lessons, traumas that need to be healed, our eternal nature, etc. It helps you to learn about the eternal nature of the soul. Find out more about this interesting topic by watching this video. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Sonntag, 28. September 2014
Qualities of the Five Elements - Gunas
The qualities or Gunas of the five elements - Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth - are explained in detail. This is part 3 of a multi-part series on Ayurveda and Yoga by Aneesha Holaday.
Aneesha Holaday is a speaker and seminar leader at Yoga Vidya. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Aneesha Holaday is also the owner of the “According to Ayurveda and Yoga” educational website which covers all aspects of Yoga and Ayurveda, including practitioners in your area.
Samstag, 20. September 2014
Karma, Fate and Free Will
Leela Mata explains that in karma there is no fate - karma is something that we made. We can bring Faith into it, and we have free will at all times. We are not victims of circumstance. Learn more by watching this very interesting video. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Freitag, 12. September 2014
Evolution of the Five Elements
Samkha philosophy explains the evolution of matter from the merging of Prakriti (base substance) and Purusha (consciousness) to the five elements. This is part 2 of a multi-part series on Ayurveda and Yoga by Aneesha Holaday.
Aneesha Holaday is a speaker and seminar leader at Yoga Vidya. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 29. August 2014
Guru Stotram
Harilalji and his wife Meera chant the Guru Stotram on Guru Purnima day in July, 2014, at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg. The video portion is a montage of many gurus. A very wonderful chant with much spiritual energy.
Harilalji is a regular teacher at Yoga Vidya. To see his website go to .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 22. August 2014
Introduction to Ayurveda and Yoga Lecture Series
Aneesha Holaday, an ayurvedic practitioner, introduces herself to the audience and gives a brief explanation of the origins of Ayurveda and Yoga. This is part 1 of a multi-part series on Ayurveda and Yoga by Aneesha Holaday.
Aneesha Holaday is a speaker and seminar leader at Yoga Vidya. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Aneesha Holaday is a speaker and seminar leader at Yoga Vidya. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Samstag, 9. August 2014
Connecting to Your Soul
Darshanie Sukhu teaches a workshop at Yoga Vidya called Connecting to Your Soul. In this video she explains why you would want to do this. She gives many reasons including being able to come to a deep understanding of your essence. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Samstag, 2. August 2014
Natural Methods of Pain Management
Leela Mata lists some natural methods of pain management in this video. She describes the following: knowing your constitution, paying attention to your environment, being aware of the breath, yoga, awareness, and meditation. There are more methods than the ones she describes. See if you can apply any of her ideas for success with pain management in your life. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Freitag, 25. Juli 2014
Eating According to the Seasons
In order to live in harmony with nature we should be eating according to the seasons. Leela Mata explains that this is the way the universal mother is giving to us and we should eat what is available for best health. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Samstag, 12. Juli 2014
Ayurveda - Prana, Tejas and Ojas
Leela Mata explains very briefly about the ayurvedic ideas of prana, tejas, and ojas. In ayurveda, the purified aspect of kapha is ojas, the purified aspect of pitta is tejas, and the purified aspect of vata is prana. Find out more about these concepts by watching this very informative video. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
Meaning of the Name Darshanie
Darshanie explains the meaning of her name in this short video. She explains how it comes from the name Darshan, which means divine vision, or psychic vision. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Samstag, 28. Juni 2014
What is Karma
In this video Leela Mata talks about karma. There are 3 kinds - prarabdha, agami, and sanchita. By working through our prarabdha karma, we can fulfill our final destiny and achieve moksha. Learn more about this important topic by watching this video. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Freitag, 20. Juni 2014
Is It Intuition or Prana
Part 2 of a two part question. Is the ability to connect to other people and help them move to higher levels of awareness simply due to more prana, or is it actually greater intuitive ability? Darshanie explains that it is more a matter of awareness, and helping people to become aware of what they can do. Find out more in this video.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Samstag, 14. Juni 2014
Does Intuitive Ability Help With Meditation
Part 1 of a two part question. Does intuitive and psychic ability help with meditation? Darshanie Sukhu explains that it does, and that meditation helps with intuitive ability. Darshanie explains how she is even able to help others with this process. Find out more in this informative video.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 6. Juni 2014
Ayurveda and the Doshas - Vata, Pitta, Kapha (+Playlist)
Ayurveda describes 3 doshas, also called faults or defects. These doshas are known as vata, pitta and kapha, and they are inseparable from the 5 elements - ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Leela Mata explains that by learning about our doshas and bringing them into balance we can be healthy. We can also learn to have compassion for others who are at the mercy of their doshic imbalances. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Freitag, 30. Mai 2014
Dietary Restrictions in Yoga and Ayurveda - Garlic, Onions, Meat, Fish
Why are there dietary restrictions in yoga and ayurveda? Are they necessary? How do you determine what they should be? Do the dietary restrictions differ between yoga and ayurveda? These questions and more are answered by Leela Mata, including the sometimes controversial question about whether yogis should give up onions and garlic. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014
Advice for Parents to Help Get Children Interested in Spirituality
Darshanie explains how she approached introducing yoga and spirituality to her kids - by living it as a lifestyle that they later chose on their own. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Samstag, 17. Mai 2014
What is Ayurveda and How Does it Relate to Yoga
Leela Mata gives a short explanation of what Ayurveda is, how it relates to yoga, and how it can be used to reach the ultimate goal of Moksha. For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at . For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english seminar pages .
Freitag, 11. April 2014
Adhikari - sei ein Schueler - Sanskrit Wörterbuch
Ein Vortrag zum Thema Adhikari - sein ein Schüler. Um auf dem spirituellen Weg voran zu schreiten, gilt es bereit zu sein, sich schulen zu lassen. Eintrag im Yoga Vidya Sanskrit Lexikon
Donnerstag, 10. April 2014
Adharma - Unrechtes Verhalten meiden - Sanskrit Woerterbuch
Adharma heißt unrechtes Verhalten. Was ist Adharma genau, und wie kannst du es vermeiden? Darüber spricht Sukadev in diesem Video. Ein Eintrag im Yoga Vidya Video Sanskrit Lexikon.
Yoga Can Help Us With Daily Life
Leela Mata helps us to understand how yoga and meditation can help you become more aware of your personal issues and help you work on improving them. By knowing yourself better you will have better interactions in the world, greater confidence, and learn how to love yourself better.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english pages .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see our english pages .
Samstag, 5. April 2014
Important Aspects of Yoga Practice for New Aspirants
Leela Mata discusses the four paths of yoga – hatha yoga, karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and jnana yoga - and their importance in spiritual life for new aspirants.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Donnerstag, 27. März 2014
Does Intuitive Ability Help You in the World? Part 2
Part 2 of a two part question. Darshanie Sukhu is asked the question: Because you have so much intuitive awareness, does intuitive ability hurt or help you in this tough world? She answers that psychic ability has to be expressed, but she has also learned to protect herself, make it work, and keep her life balanced. Learn more about this interesting topic by watching this video.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 21. März 2014
How Darshanie Discovered Her Intuitive Abilities - Part 1
Part 1 of a two part question. Darshanie Sukhu explains how she discovered her intuitive abilities - she was born with them and brought them with her from previous lives. It wasn't until she was in school that she realized, through her interactions with non-yoga-ashram people, that she experienced the world differently than other people. Find out more of this interesting story by watching this video.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 14. März 2014
How Yoga Can Help Us Come to Terms with Death and Dying
Leeta Mata gives us some words of wisdom about death and dying. As soon as we are born we know that we will die. It is the main fear of every person. With yoga, we can learn ways to cope with death and dying in this life, and to attain moksha, or liberation, and remove ourselves from this cycle of birth and death. Much more in this inspiring video. Leela Mata offers a seminar at Yoga Vidya on this topic.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 7. März 2014
Relationship of Intuitive Ability and Opening of Chakras
Is greater intuitive ability related to a greater opening of the chakras? Darshanie Sukhu tells us that yes, in some cases, this is true. How the chakras open is different for different people - find out some ways this can occur by watching this video.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Montag, 24. Februar 2014
How to Spiritualize Your Life Part 2
In Part 2 of this short interview about how to spiritualize our lives, Leela Mata talks about the nature of the ego and the gunas. She talks about how to approach the ego. In yoga they tell us to eradicate the ego and break it down, almost like a war on the ego. Leela Mata says instead we should accept our ego and treat it like a child and nurture it.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 14. Februar 2014
How to Spiritualize Your Life Part 1 (+Playlist)
In Part 1 of this short interview, Leela Mata talks about yoga as a lifestyle and how to spiritualize our lives - all of life is spiritual, spirit has taken on form to express itself. Thinking of life this way makes it easier. She tells us to take out the ego, don't fight with it.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 7. Februar 2014
D2 How to Increase your Intuitive Ability (+Playlist)
Darshanie Sukhu explains that the process of increasing your intuitive ability is different for everyone. It is not foreign to us, because intuition is in us and is part of our energy system. This process depends on our awareness to different levels of our being. Learn more about this process and what Darshanie does with her students to help increase their intuitive ability.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 31. Januar 2014
Importance of a Guru
Leela Mata explains how we will have a guru that reflects back to us where we are at spiritually. What we need to do is prepare ourselves so that we can recognize the guru when the guru arrives. She talks a lot about her own experience.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2014
What is Intuition
Darshanie Sukhu explains that intuition is the ability to perceive and decode the internal world - intuition can help you deal with life and is very useful for meditation and yoga. Find out how it can be helpful in this informative interview.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
Darshanie Sukhu is a frequent teacher at Yoga Vidya. For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Freitag, 17. Januar 2014
No Effort in Yoga is Ever Wasted
Reaching the final goal of liberation takes many lifetimes. The ultimate goal of yoga is liberation. Leela Mata explains how no effort in yoga is ever wasted, meaning that it takes many, many lifetimes to attain this goal, and with yoga you will create possibilities for future births that are more conducive to continued spiritual practice. She continues by talking about the concept of liberation.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
Samstag, 11. Januar 2014
Leela Mata Talks About Karma
The term karma is much used and misused in the west. Krishna says the way of karma is mysterious. Leela Mata says our understanding can only be partial. There is much more in this excellent discussion about karma.
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For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .
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