Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

Sadhu Maharaji Speaks About Guru Punima

In this video recorded on Guru Purnima, Sadhu Maharaj, a saint from India, talks about the definition of Guru Purnima, and what the goal of life is. Sadhu Maharaj visits Yoga Vidya every year. The video is in english with German translation. For more information on Yoga Vidya english seminars, please visit here .

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Story of the historical Sukadev - the greatest yogi ever born

The sage Vyasa wanted a son who was a mind-born son. He practiced penance for 100 years through all the seasons. Indra asked Siva why Vyasa was doing the penance, and Siva granted a boon to Vyasa, who then wished for a son born of all the elements, pure of mind and heart, and who could perform his last rites. Find out what happens in the rest of the story. Dr. Nalini Sahay teaches many courses at Yoga Vidya. For a listing of english seminars please see