Donnerstag, 19. Dezember 2013

Importance of Satsang

What is the importance of satsang? Listen as Leela Mata tells us about satsang: that many yoga masters say satsang is the most important sadhana, an opportunity to come together in good company with like-minded people, to build positive samskaras, and to connect to your divine self within the group. Much more can be gained from satsang -- Leela Mata will explain the rest.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .

Freitag, 13. Dezember 2013

How to Know if you are Progressing on the Spiritual Path

Leela Mata describes for us several ways in which we can know if we are progressing on the spiritual path. You can ask yourself the questions: How much more peaceful and joyful am I? What changes do I see in myself with regard to how I associate with the world? Find out more ways you can evaluate your progress by listening to these words of wisdom.
For more english yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our english pages at .
For more information on english classes, courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya, please see .

Donnerstag, 26. September 2013

Harilal Chants Chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita

Listen to this wonderful and inspiring sanskrit chanting of chapter 7 of the Bhagavad Gita. In chapter 7 Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the absolute reality, and the relative reality of Maya. To sign up for courses and seminars in english please see our english pages . For more english yoga videos, discussions, and information about all topics related to yoga please see .

Donnerstag, 19. September 2013

Hochgeladene Videos (Playlist)

Harilalji chants in sanskrit chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita. In this chapter Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the importance of practicing yoga, and how to overcome the difficulties that the mind presents on our journey to Self-realization. To see the english language offerings at Yoga Vidya visit our english seminars page at . For more english information and discussion on all topics related to yoga please visit .

Donnerstag, 12. September 2013

Harilalji Chants Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita

Harilal chants Chapter 5 of the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit. In Chapter 5 Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna the importance of renouncing the fruits of our actions if we want to reach the highest goal. Harilal gives english seminars and yoga therapy courses at Yoga Vidya in Germany - for more information on this and other english speakers please go here . For more information on english yoga videos, blog posts, kirtan, please see .

Donnerstag, 5. September 2013

Harilalji Chants Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita

In this video Harilal chants Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita in Sanskrit. In Chapter 4 Lord Krishna explains why he comes to the material world, and some of the different paths of yoga which allow us to approach the Ultimate Truth. Harilal gives english seminars and yoga therapy courses at Yoga Vidya in Germany - for more information on this and other english speakers please go here .

Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

Harilalji Chants Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita

Listen to the wonderful sanskrit chanting of chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita by Harilal. In chapter 3 Arjuna is struggling between his duty and his perceived obligations to his family. Lord Krishna discusses this, and the essence of Karma Yoga, or selfless service. Harilal gives english seminars and yoga therapy courses at Yoga Vidya in Germany - for more information on this and other english speakers please see here .

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013

Krishna Jayanti, Krishnas Geburtstag, am 28.8.

» Bald ist Krishnas Geburtstag: Krishna Jayanti am 28.8.  Lebensfreude, Hingabe und Gotteserfahrung - all das erfährst du besonders gut an Krishna Jayanti. Dieser Tag wird auch Janmashtami, Erscheinungstag von Krishna genannt. Viele Infos zu Krishna Jayanti auf den Links oben in diesem Krishna Jayanti Beitrag.

Harilalji Chants Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita

Sanskrit chanting of chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita by Harilal. In chapter 2 Arjuna asks Lord Krishna how he can remove his grief at the impending battle and consequences. Lord Krishna speaks to him as a disciple and instructs him on many subjects including karma yoga, jnana yoga, the atman or soul, etc. For more information on seminars with Harilal at Yoga Vidya, and english courses hosted here at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg, please see . For many more english videos go to .

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

Harilalji Chants Chapter 1 of the Bhagavad Gita

In this wonderful and inspirational video, Harilal chants in sanskrit chapter one of the Bhagavad Gita. Chapter one sets the scene on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where Arjuna tells Lord Krishna he is feeling bad about the impending battle and the associated karma that could come from it. For more information on seminars with Harilal at Yoga Vidya, and english courses hosted here, please see .

Donnerstag, 8. August 2013

Interview with Sadhu Maharaj

In this interview Sadhu Maharaj talks about where he came from in India and his life before he became a Sadhu. He also talks about his time with the Bihar School of Yoga and his teacher Swami Satyananda from the Sivananda lineage in Rishikesh. Sadhu Maharaj goes on to explain his definition of "love in action" and how we can develop it. This interview was recorded at Yoga Vidya Bad Meinberg.

Donnerstag, 1. August 2013

Gita Dhyana Slokas Recitation

Listen to the wonderful chanting of the Gita Dhyana Slokas by Harilalji, Yoga Therapy teacher and seminar leader at Yoga Vidya. These slokas are chanted before reading the Bhagavad Gita in order to prepare the mind, and to offer respect to the divine for bringing us this knowledge. Recorded at Yoga VIdya Bad Meinberg. For more information on english language courses and seminars at Yoga Vidya please go here .

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

Sadhu Maharaji Speaks About Guru Punima

In this video recorded on Guru Purnima, Sadhu Maharaj, a saint from India, talks about the definition of Guru Purnima, and what the goal of life is. Sadhu Maharaj visits Yoga Vidya every year. The video is in english with German translation. For more information on Yoga Vidya english seminars, please visit here .

Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013

Story of the historical Sukadev - the greatest yogi ever born

The sage Vyasa wanted a son who was a mind-born son. He practiced penance for 100 years through all the seasons. Indra asked Siva why Vyasa was doing the penance, and Siva granted a boon to Vyasa, who then wished for a son born of all the elements, pure of mind and heart, and who could perform his last rites. Find out what happens in the rest of the story. Dr. Nalini Sahay teaches many courses at Yoga Vidya. For a listing of english seminars please see

Freitag, 28. Juni 2013

Story of the Birth of Lord Krishna

Listen to the story of the birth of the blessed Lord Krishna as told by Dr. Nalini Sahay, who  trained with Swami Satyananda from the Bihar School of Yoga. Dr. Sahay often gives lectures at Yoga Vidya. Please find more information about yoga, meditation and Indian mythology on our website at

Freitag, 21. Juni 2013

Why yogis do not eat garlic - A story from Ramana Maharshi

Listen to a story from mythology of why yogis do not eat garlic. Dr. Nalini Sahay relates a story once told by Ramana Maharshi. Dr. Sahay gives frequent programs at Yoga Vidya in Germany. For more english videos and discussions please go to .

Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

Story of the Raksha Bhasma Asura

This is the story, told by Dr. Nalini Sahay, of the Raksha, or monster, called Bhasma Asura. He was granted the boon by Lord Shiva to turn to ashes anything he touched with his right hand. Learn what happens to him in the end. You can find more information about yoga, meditation and Indian mythology on our website at

Sonntag, 9. Juni 2013

Bounty of the mother goddess

Dr. Nalini Sahay discusses the bounty of the mother goddess.
If we remove the evil from our hearts and pray to her with purity of intent, she will listen to our prayers. This is the story of how the prayers of a queen allowed her and the king to have a baby. Please find more information about yoga, meditation and Indian mythology on our website

Dienstag, 21. Mai 2013

Durga the mother goddess

A story about three brothers. The first two were very clever, the third brother was not. He was the fool of the family. All brothers got married. The third brother was married to a simple poor girl. Life was very difficult for the third brother and his wife. The wife went everyday to the tempel to pray. Listen to what happened one day.
The story is to show if we pray to the mother goddess she takes care of us.
Please find more information about yoga, meditation and Indian mythology on our website

Donnerstag, 16. Mai 2013

Dr. Nalini Sahay tells some stories about Ganesha

Dr. Nalini Sahay tells some stories about Ganesha. Ganesha is called the remover of all obstacles. We pray to him always first before every activity and we pray to him if we want to have success.
Please find more information about yoga, meditation and Indian mythology on our website

Montag, 6. Mai 2013

"Overcome suffering" with Leela Mata - Vortrag: "Das Leiden überwinden" ...

During Yoga Vidya saturday evening satsang in Bad Meinberg Leela Mata talks about how to overcome suffering. Look inside yourself and ask "Where is it coming from?", "Why is it happening?". When we are stuck in the situation we don´t have the clarity to answer these questions. In these times the words of masters come to rescue us. Be inspired by this talk.
More information at

Dienstag, 30. April 2013

Story about Shiva, Parvati and Nandi

Shiva and Parvati lived a simple live. They had a beautiful bull called Nandi and used to travel with the bull. Parvati appeared as the beautiful woman like she was and Shiva dressed up as a very old man. When they travelled with their bull Nandi people were talking a lot. They tried several things to please the people but they had no success. After some time they decided just to to what they like to do and so they sat on Nandi and travelled through the sky.
For more information please see

Dienstag, 23. April 2013

How Shiva and Parvati taught a pigeon

One day Shiva and Parvati were chatting late in the night. Shiva will tell Parvati about immortality. But Parvati is knows about immortality and she likes to sleep at night. Shiva spend the whole night telling Parvati the story about immortality. And the whole night he heard something and thought this was Parvati, but instead it was actually a pigeon sitting on the window sill. When the morning came Shiva noticed that Parvati did not listen in the night, but the pigeon on the window sill. He got very angry and ran after the pigeon. Here how the pigeon got saved.
More information at

Mittwoch, 17. April 2013

Chandra Cohen taks about Swami Vishnu Devananda

In the Yoga Vidya saturday evening satsang in Bad Meinberg Chandra Cohen taks about Swami Vishnu Devananda. Swami Vishnu Devananda was Chandras teacher as well as he was also Sukadevs teacher. Chadra tells us some lovely litle storys how Swamiji did teach Chandra and his other students. Be inspired by this talk.
More information at

Montag, 25. März 2013

Shiva and Parvati gambling

This story is about the cosmic couple Shiva and Parvati. Hear from Nalini how Shiva and Parvati gambled and why it is auspicious to gamble on diwali.
More information at

Montag, 18. Februar 2013

Shiva gives salvation to a hunter

A hunter was chased by a tiger and climbed a bael tree. Hear how the story goes on and the hunter is saved by lord shiva. More information at

Montag, 11. Februar 2013

Parvati in the form of Annapurna

This is a story about Parvati in the form of Annapurna. Annapurna is the goddess who gives food for everybody. More information at

Dienstag, 5. Februar 2013

Ganesha and his broken tusk 2

Dr. Nalini Sahay tells us some more about Ganesha and his broken tusk. In this story Ganesha broke the tusk himself while writing the Mahabharata. And this is why Ganesha removes all difficulties in life. More information at

Sonntag, 27. Januar 2013

Ganesha and his broken tusk

Dr. Nalini Sahay tells us a litle story of Ganesha and his brother Kartikeyan. Ganesha and Kartikeyan are the sons of Shiva and Parvati. Enjoy! More information at

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

How Ganesha came into being.mp4

Dr. Nalini Sahay speaks about the birth of Ganesha which we celebrate on Sept. 18th. She tells us the story how Ganesha was created by Parvati and how he get his elephant head. More information at

Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2013

How Sukadev got married - an ancient story from Bhagavatam

Funny, elevating and of deep meaning: Chandra Cohen tells The story how Sukadeva got married. Sukadeva was the son of Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas, the author of Mahabharata. Chandra tells how Vyasa managed to get a child - through Tapas. More information referring Indian mythology, yoga, meditation at

Freitag, 4. Januar 2013

Parvati, Shiva and the purifying Power of Ganga

Parvati and Shiva wanted to know how purifying a bath in the holy river Ganga was. They disguised themself as old, sick pilgrims and asked the help of those who had taken their bath in the Ganges. Thus they wanted to find out who experienced Moksha. Find more information referring Indian mythology, mantras, yoga and meditation at