Samstag, 29. Dezember 2012
Positive Thinking through unusual means
How do you develop positive thinking? Yoga teacher Shanmug Eckhardt gives you some important insights: Yoga masters teach Positive Thinking by unusual means. Shanmug tells a few stories of Swami Vishnu-devananda helping his disciples to develop strength and positive thinking. More information at
Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012
Inspiring Anecdotes from Swami Bodhichitananda
Swami Bodhichitananda, disciple of Swami Chidananda, tells stories from his life: He studied architecture. Afterwards he travelled through America for a few years helping to develop health food stores and cooperatives. He started practicing Yoga. He got initiated by Swami Chidananda. More information about Yoga, meditation and Ayurveda at
Dienstag, 27. November 2012
Hanuman in Lanka
The story of Hanuman and how he was a messenger of Rama to Ravana. How Hanuman was bound and tied in string. How Hanuman got released and Lanka was set on fire. Dr. Nalini Sahay tells this ancient story from Ramayana. And she speaks about the meaning of Hanuman. More information at
Mittwoch, 14. November 2012
Competition between Ganesha and Karthikeya
Dr. Nalini Sahay tells a story from Indian Mythology about Ganesha and Karthikeya: Who should be allowed to marry first? Ganesha or Karthikeya, also called Skanda, Muruga, Subrahmanya or Sharavabhava? Shiva and Parvati decided to solve this question by a competition. You will find more information about Indian mythology, meditation, mantra and yoga at
Dienstag, 6. November 2012
Konzert mit Satyaa & Pari, Musikfestival 2012 bei Yoga Vidya
Im Rahmen des Musikfestival 2012 bei Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg gaben Satyaa & Pari ein Mantrakonzert. Durch Mantras, Bhajan und Kirtans drücken sie ihre Hingabe zu Gott aus. Mehr Infos zu Mantras findet Ihr unter
Montag, 5. November 2012
How Ganga Came To Earth
How did Ganga come to Earth? Dr. Nalini Sahay tells the story how Bhagirathi performed Tapas and attained the grace of Brahma und Shiva - thus purifying his ancestors and bringing down Ganga. She also tells why a bath in the Ganges washes away all sins. You will find further information at
Donnerstag, 25. Oktober 2012
Dr. Nalini Sahay tells about Swami Satyananda
Dr. Nalini Sahay tells about Swami Satyananda who changed her life. He taught his disciples to give, serve and do not judge others. You will find more information referring yoga, meditation and ayurveda at
Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012
What is special about Tantra Meditation Techniques with Dr. Nalini Sahay
Tantra Meditations come from the Tantras, sacred books coming after the Vedas. Dr. Nalini Sahay mentions some of the Tantra Meditation Techniques of the Tradition of Swami Satyananda. Videos on Tantra Meditation Techniques
Montag, 1. Oktober 2012
Birth of Karthikeya
Ganesha and Karthikeya were sons of Shiva and Parvati. How did it come about, that Shiva and Parvati got children? Dr. Nalini Sahay tells how Karthikeya came into being. It is a story from the beginning of creation. Dr Nalini Sahay teaches regularly at http://yoga-vidya-org or
Dienstag, 25. September 2012
Birth and Childhood of Hanuman - Dr. Nalini Sahay
How did Hanuman come into existence? Dr. Nalini Sahay tells about Anjani and Vayu, the Wind God, and how Hanuman was born as their child. Hanuman was a "naughty" boy - there are some wonderful stories about this as well. You will find more stories of deities, yoga as well as training with Dr. Nalini Sahay at
Dienstag, 11. September 2012
Hochgeladene Videos (Playlist)
Dr. Nalini Sahay speaks about the Meaning of Tantra. Tantra is Kundalini Yoga. More Videos on Yoga and Yoga Lectures
Freitag, 7. September 2012
Hochgeladene Videos (Playlist)
om om om .....inspirierende Worte von Leela Mata über spirituelles Wachstum. Sie erzählt auch eine Geschichte über Narada und einen Affen. Mitschnitt aus einem Satsang bei Yoga-Vidya Bad Meinberg. Englisch mit deutscher Übersetzung. Mehr Information über Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda auf:
Montag, 27. August 2012
Story of a King's Pride Humbled - Acharya Harilalji tells an Ancient Yog...
om om om....hier ist ein Vortrag von Harilalji bei einem Samstagabend-Satsang bei Yoga-Vidya Bad Meinberg. Er erzählt die Geschichte eines Königs, der in Angst gerät. Viel Inspiration vom Yoga-Meister Harilalji, wie einfach es sein kann, seine Ängste zu überwinden....Mehr über Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda auf:
Donnerstag, 9. August 2012
Who can Practice Yoga Nidra - Nalini explains
om om om....hier ein kurzes Video auf Englisch von Dr. Nalini Sahay: Für wen ist Yoga Nidra geeignet? Erfahre mehr über Yoga Nidra auf:
Donnerstag, 2. August 2012
How to stay motivated in Yoga practice if enlightenment takes longer tha...
On namah shivaya....hier ein inspirierendes Video mit vielen wertvollen Tips von Nalini und Narayani. Die beiden Yoga-Meisterinnen verraten, wie man sich immer wieder zur Yoga-Prxis motivieren kann, auch wenn nach jahrelanger Praxis die Erleuchtung noch weit entfernt scheint...mehr zu Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda findest du hier:
Montag, 30. Juli 2012
Yogastunde mit Chakrakonzentration (Selbstreflexion) - mit Shivakami und...
om namah shivaya...dies ist eine hervorragende Mittelstufen-Yogastunde, die ca. 90 Minuten dauert. Der Schwerpunkt liegt bei der Konzentration auf die Chakren. Mehr zu Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda findest du hier:
Freitag, 27. Juli 2012
How to continue your Yoga Practice for many years - with Narayani and Na...
On namo narayanaya....Narayani und Nalini, zwei erfahrene Yoga Meisterinnen berichten über ihre langjährige Yogapraxis. Mehr über Yoga, Meditation und Ayurveda findest du auf
Samstag, 7. Juli 2012
Prana Self Healing Techniques - how they work - with Dr. Nalini
Dr. Nalini explains how Prana Self Healing Techniques work. She talks about how Prana Healing Techniques helped herself after severe injuries due to accidents. She developped a special way to teach Prana Vidya to others. Self Healing Techniques can help with many diseases, including cancer, MS, psychological problems etc. For minor diseases self help techniques can be sufficient in healing. For major diseases they support conventional treatment. Please note: For any medical problem a doctor or health practicioner should be consulted. Dr. Nalini is living in Delhi. She is teaching others how to teach Prana Healing in Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany.
Freitag, 22. Juni 2012
How Yoga helps with Anxieties - Dr. Nalini explains
This is a very short talk - which gives a lot of Infos on how to deal with anxieties, from a Yoga point of view.
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